Saturday, June 11, 2011

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  • sac-r-ten
    02-26 04:56 PM
    Sorry for your situation. Its better to look for H1 transfer soon. Also expose such body shopper here, so that future H1B are aware of such dingy fly by night operators.
    Nothing more anybody can do here on this forum, because everyone is sitting tight and holding on to their seats in this economy.
    Good luck man.

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  • Munshi75
    04-07 11:00 AM
    I am almost sure that if your work place (physical presence ) happens to be at a Not-for -profit organization, you case would be a cap-exempt one. However, last year USCIS and lawyers association had a lengthy debate about the legal -wordings, over this issue and i have no idea what happened afterwards

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  • waltz
    08-24 02:05 PM
    I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but the show is based on the following study:


    Kauffman Foundation Study Points to �Brain-Drain� of Skilled U.S. Immigrant Entrepreneurs to Home Country
    Barbara Pruitt, 816-932-1288,, Kauffman Foundation
    Tom Phillips, 212-935-4655,, Communication Partners

    More than a million skilled foreign nationals in the United States, including doctors and scientists, face mounting visa backlog

    (KANSAS CITY, Mo.) Aug. 22, 2007 � More than one million skilled immigrant workers, including scientists, engineers, doctors and researchers and their families, are competing for 120,000 permanent U.S. resident visas each year, creating a sizeable imbalance likely to fuel a �reverse brain-drain� with skilled workers returning to their home country, according to a new report released today by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

    The situation is even bleaker as the number of employment visas issued to immigrants from any single country is less than 10,000 per year with a wait time of several years.

    �The United States benefits from having foreign-born innovators create their ideas in this country,� said Vivek Wadhwa, Wertheim fellow with the Harvard Law School and executive in residence at Duke University. �Their departures would be detrimental to U.S. economic well-being. And, when foreigners come to the United States, collaborate with Americans in developing and patenting new ideas, and employ those ideas in business in ways they could not readily do in their home countries, the world benefits.�

    Conducted by researchers at Duke University, New York University and Harvard University, the study is the third in a series of studies focusing on immigrants� contributions to the competitiveness of the U.S. economy. Earlier research revealed a dramatic increase in the contributions of foreign nationals to U.S. intellectual property over an eight-year period.

    In this study, "Intellectual Property, the Immigration Backlog, and a Reverse Brain-Drain," researchers offer a more refined measure of this rise in contributions of foreign nationals to U.S. intellectual property and seek to explain this increase with an analysis of the immigrant-visa backlog for skilled workers. The key finding from this research is that the number of skilled workers waiting for visas is significantly larger than the number that can be admitted to the United States. This imbalance creates the potential for a sizeable reverse brain-drain from the United States to the skilled workers� home countries.

    The earlier studies, �America�s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs� and �Entrepreneurship, Education and Immigration: America�s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Part II,� documented that one in four engineering and technology companies founded between 1995 and 2005 had an immigrant founder. Researchers found that these companies employed 450,000 workers and generated $52 billion in revenue in 2006. Indian immigrants founded more companies than the next four groups (from the United Kingdom, China, Taiwan and Japan) combined.

    Furthermore, these companies� founders tended to be highly educated in science, technology, math and engineering-related disciplines, with 96 percent holding bachelor�s degrees and 75 percent holding master�s or PhD degrees.

    Among key findings in the most recent report:

    Foreign nationals residing in the United States were named as inventors or co-inventors in 25.6 percent of international patent applications filed from the United States in 2006. This represents an increase from 7.6 percent in 1998.
    Foreign nationals contributed to more than half of the international patents filed by a number of large, multi-national companies, including Qualcomm (72 percent), Merck & Co. (65 percent), General Electric (64 percent), Siemens (63 percent) and Cisco (60 percent). Forty-one percent of the patents filed by the U.S. government had foreign nationals as inventors or co-inventors.
    In 2006, 16.8 percent of international patent applications from the United States had an inventor or co-inventor with a Chinese-heritage name, representing an increase from 11.2 percent in 1998. The contribution of inventors with Indian-heritage names increased to 13.7 percent from 9.5 percent in the same period.
    The total number of employment-based principals in the employment-based categories and their family members waiting for legal permanent residence in the United States in 2006 was estimated at 1,055,084. Additionally, there are an estimated 126,421 residents abroad also waiting for employment-based U.S. legal permanent residence, adding up to a worldwide total of 1,181,505.
    Using data from the New Immigrant Survey, the authors find that, in 2003, approximately one in five new legal immigrants in the United States and about one in three employment-based new legal immigrants either planned to leave the United States or were uncertain about remaining. The authors had no data on how many foreign nationals have actually returned to their homelands.

    �Given that the U.S. comparative advantage in the global economy is in creating knowledge and applying it to business, it behooves the country to consider how we might adjust policies to reduce the immigration backlog, encourage innovative foreign minds to remain in the country, and entice new innovators to come,� said Robert Litan, vice president of Research and Policy at the Kauffman Foundation.

    About the research team
    For more information about the Global Engineering and Entrepreneurship research at Duke University, visit; visit to learn about Harvard Law�s Labor and Worklife Program; and visit for more information about New York University.
    Read the report

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  • gcseeker2002
    01-20 05:00 PM
    I have observed that typically after becoming great, have a tendency to hide his/her EB3 roots. I mean, who'll hire you as a CEO or rocket scientist if they knew you used to be an EB3.

    Obama's father was a Kenyan EB3, but Obama insists his father was an EB2. The labor certification that the white house has put out for Barack Obama is clearly a fake.

    It's sad but true, America still judges you not by the content of your character but the color of your labor certification.

    I propose that EB3s append "EB3" to their name (like Ganesh Teesravarg ME(Comp Sci.), EB3) so that they get more visibility, and ppl realize they live among us, and with some help can actually be productive members of society.

    There are hundreds of eb3s including me, waiting for last several years, to do the work that all the other waiting eb3s would be proud of, but sadly enough, we have not yet got the greeeeeeeeeeeeeen caard :D


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  • jkays94
    04-18 07:49 AM
    The McCain-Kennedy bill is what had the EB provisions in the first place long before Frist or Martinez-Hagel put their bills. Senator Kennedy has been fighting for immigrants rights for almost 40 years (longer than someone of us have been alive) including legal immigration. His own brother President John F. Kennedy wrote a book called - We are a nation of immigrants.

    I am sorry but with all due respect to Sen Kennedy he could address the rally of bunch of illegals waiving Mexican Flag and demanding their "RIGHTS" in Spanish. We have sent faxes in English to Senetor Kennedy requesting to support Bill that will provide relief to Legal immigrant communites but still nothing specific to our cause.

    Please let us refrain from making conclusions as to who was at the rally, there were many legal immigrants and citizens at the DC rally of many nationalities and backgrounds, it was covered live on CSPAN twice for its entire 4 hr duration -- CSPAN as you know is funded by US public funds and would not cover an event dominated by illegals. The US constitution guarantees constitutional freedoms and rights to all who are within its borders and that would include the right to assembly and freedom of speech. FYI, there are 43 million Hispanic-Americans in the US. The DC rally had just as many American flags as many other rallies around the country on April 10. Senator Kennedy has done a lot for legal immigrants, but lets face it, with no CIR, there will be no separate bill for legal immigrants, we would have to rely on ammendments to other bills and those ammendments would be subject to the fate of sections 8001 and 8002 of S1932. CIR originated in the Senate through McCain-Kennedy, the EB number provisions were in this bill, so lets give credit where its due and not say that nothing has been done for legal immigrants by the Senator.

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  • skagitswimmer
    June 6th, 2005, 08:35 AM
    Would the 20D or D1MkII have greater tolerances i.e. wider range algorithms in the camera?


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  • jonty_11
    01-31 01:49 PM
    I think we need to help ourselves, please contribute to IV and help yourselves.

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  • hopein07
    02-09 10:26 AM h_govt/articleshow/1586856.cms

    Anybody thinking of trying a lawsuit in US should better think again. It's of NO USE. It will only aggravate the average Americans and you will lose whatever little support we have from moderates. Lawsuit will yeild nothing.

    We must try Gandhian approach of appealing to their innate sense of justice.

    Only President bush can do something if somehow he can be convinced.


    From NDTV :

    Indian doctors on HSMP visas wishing to train or work in Britain won a major court ruling in their favour on Friday.

    Judges have decided that employers will now have to treat Indian doctors on par with doctors from Europe.

    The court case revolved around a challenge to a health ministry guidance that would have compelled prospective employers such as hospitals to discriminate against non-European candidates, first by establishing that their skills were not found in Europe and then, if selected, to apply for work permits for them.

    However, in a unanimous ruling, three judges of the Appeals Court called the ministry guidance ''illegal'', sparking instant celebrations among campaigners of the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) on Diwali day.

    ''This is a great ruling. We are absolutely ecstatic, and feel exuberant,'' BAPIO's Dr Sheethal Mathew said.

    ''Our doctors from India, Pakistan or Sri Lanka will now be able to compete with European doctors on an equal footing. Employers cannot discriminate against us now,'' he said.

    The ruling is expected to immediately benefit some 10-15,000 doctors of South Asian origin, who are living in Britain and have been eagerly awaiting the outcome of the case.

    However, the campaigners lost a second challenge - against the British government's abrupt changes to the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) last year. BAPIO challenged the changes on the grounds that their members were not consulted.

    But Mathew said BAPIO will not take any further legal action.

    ''About 5,000 doctors were affected by the changes, and they have left already because they knew they had no choice.''

    The British government introduced the HSMP scheme in 2002, offering workers such as accountants, doctors and scientists the right to settle down and work in Britain. Some 49,000 people took up the offer.

    But the changes ostensibly to guard against 'abuse' of the system meant that those who had already come in on HSMP visas were faced with sudden restrictions in the job market.

    Their employers would have to prove that the qualifications and skills that these candidates possessed were not available among European and British candidates. And if these non-Europeans were hired, the employers would have to apply for work permits.

    Anthony Robinson, a solicitor for BAPIO said: ''As is widely acknowledged, the NHS has for many years relied upon the contribution of doctors from overseas, and in particular the Indian sub-continent, in order to provide a quality service in times of shortage of British doctors.

    ''Now that more British graduates are coming through, the Department of Health is trying to get round the rights of HSMP doctors who have already made Britain their home because it failed to plan ahead,''he added.

    The next round of hiring by the state-sector National Health Service (NHS) is expected in January-February, 2008.


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  • Almond
    08-10 03:17 PM
    There is no $20 contribution choice on the main site, only $50 and $100.

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  • txh1b
    04-15 09:33 AM
    You have no choice but leave US immediately, go for CP, declare your overstay in the DS156 form, come clean to the VO and hope they forgive it.

    Good Luck!


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  • ultimo
    10-02 12:06 PM
    PD is important . inorder to use the visa numbers the applicant whose FP & name check is cleared but Pd is not current but other applicant whose Pd is current but name check is not cleared The person who cleared will get the priority instead of PD . one of my friend got like this . so its cat & mouse game anyone can get it

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  • cahaba
    04-13 12:36 AM
    Hello All,

    I came across this site while researching for *urgent* solutions or options that my friend needs to pursue or has.

    These are my friend's details --

    EB3 -- India.
    I140 approved in July 2007.
    485 filed in July 2007.
    MS in Engg from USA.
    MBA in Finance from top ten school in USA.
    Has applied for couple of patents in tech field.
    Author of few papers in tech field.

    My friend worked for his green card petitioning employer for 7 years in a technical position on H1 visa. He had to leave this job under some unfavorable circumstances around a month back. He has now taken a job as Marketing Manager for a big firm and is using his EAD. Two weeks back he has received an RFE on his 485 application. (Very curious and bad timing indeed too). This RFE needs a Employment Verification Letter. The current position that my friend works as does not match the position description on his labor petition. The RFE reply needs to be sent in within next 2 weeks.

    What are his options to reply to the RFE? One of the lawyers that was consulted said that since Green Card is for a future position, he needs to get a legit letter from a future employer that the employer is willing to hire my friend after he gets his green card.

    Also suggested were EB2-NIW and self-employment options.

    What would you suggest -- best course of action? Would you know anybody who has gone through a similar situation. Any fallback options that my friend needs to evaluate?

    I really appreciate all your replies. Pl treat this as very urgent.



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  • mhtanim
    10-08 06:13 PM
    Interesting question! Logically, as soon as a H4 holder starts using EAD the H4 becomes invalid. As long as the primary is in valid H1B status, the dependent should be able get back to H4 status even if the 485 is denied.

    However, I am not sure how someone can changes status from AOS (due to using EAD) to H4. May be getting out of the U.S. and come back as H4 again? Anybody has any idea?

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  • suren26
    07-24 12:54 PM
    My LAWYER is saying the same that i am leagal till FEB 2010(compelting 6 yrs). He is asking me to renew the H1B for 1 year based on I140 appeal. and apply for new LC & and I140 based on that and if it gets approved then rebew H1B for 3 yrs based in new approved I140.

    But some threads are saying that if you I485 gets denied then you have to reinstate the H1B, Is that true?


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  • anindya1234
    07-17 10:34 PM
    You are OK. This is taken from the 485 instructions.
    File all employment-based AOS applications at the following address:

    USCIS Nebraska Service Center
    P.O. Box 87485
    Lincoln, NE 68501-7485

    This includes an employment-based Form I-485 filed concurrently with a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, and an employment-based Form I-485 filed based on a pending or an approved Form I-140. To facilitate acceptance and processing of Form I-485 when Form I-140 has already been approved, submit a copy of the I-140 approval notice.

    Actually my I-140 was approved from TSC; 485 was sent to TSC..but the employment letter in the package was addressed to NSC....will that be a problem?

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  • asanghi
    10-15 11:51 AM
    What are you saying? Health Services dismal? I thought it was better than US in many aspects. The cost is cheap for treatment (unless you have some uncommon disease. Since the system is churning up so many doctors, there is a lot of competition. Even in small villages you will find many doctors competing for patients. Maybe that is not true for everywhere, but that is what I have seen in my home state Haryana.

    Also the education system may not be perfect, but kids don't have to go to private schools, because public schools have run out of capacity. There are problems like not all-around development, and not all kids doing great in studies. But that is true even in US, unless you are sending your kids to a fine private school (which by the way you can do in India, if you have money). JMHO

    US has been in number 1 in the past, moved to 2nd spot for a couple of years, in the world competitiveness rankings. For the first time, the US moved to the 6th Spot in the world rankings by the world economic forum (Europe based Institution). The main reason was because of the huge current account deficit and negative savings (mainly federal deficit) which is a threat to the US competitiveness. China moved down due to corruption etc. India moved up but any further movement will depend on structural reforms, especially controlling the huge public service and red-tape and a creaking infrastructure - power, roads, ports, water supply - all of which are run by the government. The health services in large parts of India is dismal and so is the public education system (K-12). With the left firmly controlling the ruling party, deregulation is slow and insipid, and it is the private sector which is basically contributing to the GDP and Competitiveness. Here is the link to the actual rankings for 2006-2007

    The reasons for the rankings are given here


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  • YesGC_NoGC
    06-20 09:42 AM
    Thanks man,

    What was your experience when you invoked AC21 both the times? Did you or your employer notified USCIS? was there any difference in title and or responsibilities? Did you try make sure the job title match with teh SOC codes that is on your labor?

    hey man, if i were you, i wouldn't do this..i personally changed jobs twice in ac21 and would not do this change..

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  • laksmi
    12-03 08:17 PM
    My wife is not H4, she is working on EAD and we applied her I-485 last July. She has to travel to India for an emegency. We applied for AP last month, have the receipt but it is not approved. Is it okay if she travels to India without AP approval? I will be here and I can take her approved AP when I go there after two months.

    I heard that if she travels without AP, her I-485 is considered abonded. Is this true? Can we apply for her H4 (as I am still on H1). Any advice on how to get her back?


    If your wife is having H4 visa on her passport and visa is still valid, she can use H4 itself to move in and out of country, no need of AP.

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  • geesee
    07-20 09:18 AM
    I searched for IV on orkut and got three communities back, one with 2 members and two empty.. which one are we joining?

    Search for one word - ImmigrationVoice

    05-05 10:37 AM
    If this happens it will be a bad news as given environment I 140 approval takes years . Very soon there will be a backlog in I 140 stage.. They are just swaping backlog from one stage to another..
    Member of Tri State Chapter ( NJ / NY / CT )
    Sent faxes to Congressmen / women for EB greencard recapture.

    Eb2 India
    PD : January 3 2008
    I 140 : March 10 2008
    LUD : March 19 2008 :
    I 485 : Not yet applied.
    EAD / AP : Not yet

    I was wondering, looking at your signature... Didn't u get a chance to file for 485 in July? Just curious.

    07-20 06:18 PM
    My PD is Nov 2004, I got 140 approved. Im not filing 485 now as im unmarried.
    Any ideas when can be the date current again(for my PD atleast)?

    EB2 or EB3? If EB2 then based on data someone posted here earlier, there is a good chance of you becoming current in the next 12-18 months.

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